Abner, I have not noticed that, do you have all the latest updates for it? Abner December 28, at 7: BUT The sound in this library really gives something different when compared to other libraries on the market. Ann, Thomas and Nils are a brilliant team! Sample Logic Arpology Cinematic Dimensions.

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The samples came from her Yamaha C3 Neo Grand, and they did things according to her specifications including incorporating things like mechanical noise and fingers on keys, which you can choose to enable, disable, and choose the level for each.


Using vintage microphones and preamps and through detailed analysis keye Alicia's playing, the team succeeded in capturing the warm, soulful and inspiring sound of the C3 Neo all the way down to the finest nuances. The sound in this library really gives something different when compared to other libraries on the market.

This is no surprise, as Scarbee was involved, and I really like what they do with their instruments. Funk Bandit August 13, at 3: Learn how your comment data is processed.

It was blue to match my orlando magic bedsheets! BUT The sound in this library really gives something different when compared to other libraries on the market.

Archive Alicias Keys Kontakt Piano Library -

Basically it is HER sound. The interface is simple, and well laid out, giving quick access to the parameters you want to tweak without making you dive deep into tons of menus and sub-menus. Your email address will not be published. But when it comes down to it, most of us are worried about one thing, the sound.

Metatron72 August 13, at 6: Tess July 25, at 2: Not to mention she worked with Scarbee…yeah…you already know what type of products Scarbee puts out. Pano is the piano okntakt that has helped Miss Keys win multiple Grammys and reach the top of the charts.

Alicia’s Keys Kontakt piano library from Native Instruments

Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. I like how it plays, and how it responds to playing. You can also subscribe without commenting. Not nearly as cool as the coffee stain ans cig burns on G-Force M-Tron. The exquisite and unique sound of the C3 Neo were painstakingly captured by Thomas Skarbye, Kontakt script wizard Nils Liberg, and Grammy-award winning engineer Ann Mincieli - making this exclusive instrument available to everyone.

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This unique and highly-sought after alicizs was built to celebrate Yamaha's th anniversary in and represents the very top of the Conservatory Collection line. Abner December 30, at 7: It offers something fresh enough that even the person with every other piano library out would find the subtle differences kontqkt this library useful.

It has a really organic, warm sound to it in my opinion. I was excited about this product ever since I heard about it a couple of years ago. Overall I give this library a 4 out of 5 subsvery useful, great sounding, and fun to play. Definitely check it out if you like the warmer more organic pino of the piano spectrum, as this instrument definitely fits in right there. Did you find a solution to this?

Designed with incredible precision, and incorporating subtle details such as mechanical release noises, a specially developed sympathetic resonance and release system, and even the sound of fingers hitting keys optionalthis unique instrument delivers plenty of lively realism.

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Comment Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Miss Keys would also like to thank: Abner, I have not noticed that, do you have all the latest updates llbrary it? Ann, Thomas and Nils are a brilliant team!

Metatron72 August 13, at Is there anything to do about that?


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